

Using Filters is a Flavor CRM that allows you to see only the data that you are looking at and hide other data. The Filter in Class module helps you to filter out the specific data about the class. 

The class Module contains the following filters to see the relevant data.

  1. Level: Level is basically the Class Level that you have added.
  2. Status: Status show about the various classes.
    1. Ongoing Class: This show the currently running on the date.
    2. Upcoming Class: This will display the future classes based on the date.
    3. Rescheduled Class: Due to several reasons if the class was conducted, this will display the classes are scheduled or planned again according to a different timetable.
    4. Started Class: This will display the recently started class.
    5. Ended Class: This will filter out the classes that ended on previous dates.
    6. Stopped Class: This will display the list of stopped classes due to certain reasons.
  3. Subsidiary: Filtering the classes by the Subsidiary.
  4. Branch: This will only show the classes of relevant Branches.
  5. Course Type: When there are various Class Types, filter the Classes by Class Types.
  6. Course Name: Filter the classes by Course Name.
  7. Class: Filter the Classes by Class.
  8. Teacher: This will filter out the classes by the Teacher of the relevant class.
  9. Date: Using the Date filter will filter out classes by Date Range of the class held.
  10. Time: Filter classes by the time. Select Start Time and End Time to filter out classes by Time.
  11.  Select day: Filter the classes by the Specific Day of the week to see the classes are conducted.
  12. Online Class: This will filter the Classes that are conducted Online.

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