

Here, you will know how to add start term number while creating the term based class.

How to add term start number

Step 1

  1. Go to the Classes from the left-side menu of the Flavor System.
  2. Fill up the details as required.

Step 2

  1. When the Select duration is selected as Term-based, then you need to enter the number of Terms and Term start number.
  2. Case: If the number of Terms entered is 6 and Term start number is 2, then the term will start from Term 2 till Term 7. 
  3. Select and fill rest of the details and click on Save button. 


How to Edit Term number from the term class view?

Step 1

  1. Go to the Classes from the left side menu of the Flavor System.
  2. From the Class listing page, go to the particular term based class view page.
  3. Click on Edit Class button.

Step 2

  1. It will navigate you to the Edit page of that class.
  2. Set the desired Term no  and click on Save button.

You can add start term number while creating duplicate class.

Step 1

  1. Go to the Classes listing page.
  2. Click on the action button of the desired term base class record which you want to duplicate. 
  3. A pop up will open with the Duplicate Class option. 

Step 2

  1. A pop up named Duplicate Class will appear on your screen.
  2. Fill the details and set the Term Start no.
  3. Click on Save button and duplicate class will be created with the said start term number.

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