
What is a Certificate & its use

A Flavor Certificate is an authority that confirms that you successfully completed a course on Flavor. A certificate helps a person to feature his skill and commitment to the profession, and fabricate ability in his expert branch of knowledge.

Step 1

  1. Go to the Classes module from the left menu.
  2. Click on the Settings icon.

Step 2

  1. You will be redirected to the Class Settings page.
  2. In Class Settings, you can see various sections. You have to go to Attendance.
  3. Here, you can see, Generate Certificate option.
  4. This option is off by default, make it on by switching.

Step 3

Select the type of template from the dropdown. There are two types of certificate:

  1. Default Template
  2. New Template

Step 3.1 Default Template

  1. Upload Signature: Here, upload the signature, it should be in PNG format.
  2. Signature on behalf of: Enter the name of the person whose signature is going to use on the certificate.
  3. Position: Enter the position of the signatory.
  4. Description: Enter the details in the text box under the description field.
  5. Click on the Save button to save the certificate settings.

Step 3.2 New Template

  1. Upload Signature: Here, upload the signature, it should be in PNG format.
  2. Signature on behalf of: Enter the name of the person whose signature is going to use on the certificate.
  3. Position: Enter the position of the signatory.
  4. Description: Enter the details in the text box under the description field.
  5. Click on the Save button to save the certificate settings.

Step 4

  1. Go back to the Classes.
  2. Click on any class record.
  3. Class details will be open. 

Step 5.1 Send Certificate to a Single Student

  1. Navigate to the Registered Students tab.
  2. Then click on the Action Button (3 vertical dots) of a student record.
  3. A popup with various options will be open.
  4. Click on the See Certificate option.

Step 5.2

  1. A confirmation popup, to generate a certificate will open.
  2. Click on the Yes button.
  3. A Certificate modal will appear on your screen.
  4. To download the certificate click on the Download icon.
  5. Send a certificate to a student click on the Send to Students button.
  6. After sending a notification, the Student certificate has been send successfully will be seen on your screen.
  7. Certificate will be sent to student’s parent email id or students’ email id.
  8. Note: This is a Default Template Certificate.

Step 6.1 Send Certificate to all students

  1. Navigate to the Registered Students tab.
  2. Select multiple students and then click on the Bulk Action button.
  3. A popup with various options will be open.
  4. Click on the See Certificate option.

Step 6.2

  1. A Certificate modal will appear on your screen.
  2. You can check all certificates by clicking on the navigation arrows.
  3. To download certificates click on the Download icon.
  4. Send certificate to all students click on the Send to Students button.
  5. Certificates will be sent to their parent’s email id or students’ email id.
  6. After sending certificates a notification that, Student certificate has been send successfully will appear on your screen.
  7. Note: This is a New Template Certificate.

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