

In this article you will find how to edit payment(fee) for the created class. When the class fee is updated, the invoice is also re-generated. It is helpful in the scenario like, when a class is created, students are also enrolled and the class fee got updated. In such situation, the already generated invoices are also regenerated with the updated fee. 

Note: This is applicable only for the unpaid invoices. Edit payment will not have effect for partially paid invoices and paid invoices. 

Step 1 

  1. Go to the Classes module from the main menu.
  2. On the Classes listing page, click on a particular class record whose payment(fees) need to be changed. 

Step 2

  1. It will navigate you to the class view page for that particular class. 
  2. Scroll down and click on Payment tab.
  3. You will see the payment(fee) details of the class.
  4. Click on Edit button on the right hand side of the payment(fee) details.

Step 3

  1. You can see a popup named Edit payment
  2. You can update the payment(fee) by class or level wise. 
  3. You can also add trial frees by turning on its setting if needed and fill in the details.

Step 4

  • Without Subsequent classes:

It will be impacted on the Updating payment for the mentioned class only. Changes in fees will be affected to only unpaid invoices.

  • With subsequent classes:

It will be impacted on other subsequent Classes. Changes in fees will be affected to only unpaid invoices.

Select the update class payment a pop up will come where in u need to confirm by clicking on Proceed. and click on save.


  1. The updated class fee will get reflected on the unpaid invoices. 
  2. The paid and partially paid invoices will not have any effect.

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