
Step 1

To create a new class, first go to Classes module and then click Create Class button.

Creating new class has 3 sections:

  1. Fill class Info
  2. Set schedule
  3. Fill payment details

Step 2

Fill class Info
  1. Select the Subsidiary under which class or subsidiary has to be created.
  2. Select the Branch under which class or subsidiary has to be created.
  3. Select the Course Type system that has to be followed by schedule or class.
  4. Select the Course Name under which this must go.
  5. Select the Class under which this schedule must go or you can type a new class name and click on enter and that will get updated here.
  6. Max No.of Students must be updated so that you create a limit on how many students can be updated.
  7. Makeup Capacity must be updated so that there is a limit on how many makeup cases can be added to the class

Step 3

Fill class Info
  1. Select the Level of the class.
  2. Max No.of Students must be updated so that you create a limit on how many students can be updated.
  3. Makeup Capacity must be updated so that there is a limit on how many makeup cases can be added to the class.
  4. Enter remarks for the class if you want to.
  5. Select the Class type.
  6. You can also choose the Class color.
  7. If you want to start the class as soon as it created, check Start class immediately.

After that, click on Next button to go to Set schedule section.


Step 4

Set schedule
  1. In this section, fill the Room & Teacher’s detail.
  2. Schedule type: You can create Repetitive class or One time class.
  3. Select duration: For Repetitive class you can select Monthly smart schedule, Term-based or Custom period.

Step 5

Set schedule
  1. Repetitive class – Monthly smart schedule.

For Monthly smart schedule, select Start month & End month.

After that, select days of the week on which you want to schedule a class.


Step 6

After filling all the info, click on Generate schedule button. You can check the generated schedule.

Click on Next button to go to Fill payment details section.


Step 7

Set schedule
  1. Repetitive class – Term-based.

For Term-based, select

  1. Start of term
  2. Sessions per term
  3. How many terms do you want to set schedule for?

After that, select days of the week on which you want to schedule a class.


Step 8

After filling all the info, click on Generate schedule button. You can check the generated schedule.

Click on Next button to go to Fill payment details section.


Step 9

Fill Payment Details
  1. Payment Detail
    1. Generate Invoice for this class: Here decide whether for students that are added for them must invoice get generated or not.
    2. Make Payment: Here selected whether the tuition fee be based on PER LESSON or PER SCHEDULE and then insert the fee amount in tuition fee section.
    3. One-Time Payment: Here add the fee that the students are supposed to pay one time like material fee, deposit, registration fee.

Step 10

  1. Apply commission rate to your teachers.
  2. Set Commission Type:
    1. Fixed Rate: Define whether the commission has to be kept fixed and follow one commission method.
    2. Conditional Rate: You can set slabs and define what slab has to follow what commission system.
  3. Fill Rate Type based on which commission will be calculated.

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