PDPA, Data security and privacy in CRM systems for Singapore companies

by Gargi Dev
Jun 14 2023
1 min read.

PDPA, Data security and privacy in CRM systems for Singapore companies


In the digital age, data security and privacy have become paramount concerns for businesses, especially in Singapore with its robust data protection regulations like the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA). Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, which store and manage vast amounts of customer data, must adhere to strict standards to ensure compliance and safeguard sensitive information. In this blog, we outline 10 necessary points that Singapore companies should consider to comply with PDPA, prioritize data security, and uphold customer privacy within their CRM systems.

  1. Obtain Consent and Inform Customers

    • According to the Personal Data Protection Commission's (PDPC) Annual Report, in 2020, 86% of the data protection complaints received were related to consent issues. Obtaining explicit consent and informing customers about data usage and protection is crucial to avoid potential complaints and legal repercussions.
  2. Implement Robust Data Security Measures

    • The Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA) reported an increase of 84% in cyber threats targeting businesses in 2020. By implementing robust data security measures such as encryption, firewalls, and access controls, companies can safeguard customer data from unauthorized access and minimize the risk of cyber attacks.
  3. Limit Data Collection to Necessary Information

    • In a study conducted by the Institute of Data Protection, it was found that 63% of consumers are concerned about businesses collecting excessive personal data. By adopting a "data minimization" approach, companies can address these concerns and reduce the likelihood of data breaches or misuse.
  4. Provide Access and Correction Mechanisms

    • According to the PDPC, in 2020, the majority of data protection complaints were related to individuals' requests for access to their personal data. By establishing efficient procedures for handling data access and correction requests, companies can demonstrate transparency and respect individuals' rights.
  5. Retain Data for Reasonable Periods

    • The PDPA requires companies to retain personal data only for as long as necessary. In a survey conducted by Veritas Technologies, it was found that 47% of organizations in Singapore keep data that is over five years old. Regularly reviewing and deleting outdated or unnecessary data minimizes the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.
  6. Train Employees on Data Protection

    • The Ponemon Institute reported that 27% of data breaches in Singapore were caused by human error or negligence in 2020. By providing comprehensive training to employees on data protection best practices, companies can reduce the likelihood of such incidents and foster a culture of privacy awareness.

      PDPA, Data security and privacy in CRM systems for Singapore companies
  7. Secure Data Transfers

    • According to CSA, there were 1,014 cases of data breaches in Singapore in 2020. When transferring personal data outside of Singapore, implementing appropriate safeguards such as data encryption ensures the security of data during transit and reduces the risk of unauthorised access.
  8. Monitor Third-Party Service Providers

    • In a study by Opus and the Ponemon Institute, it was found that 59% of organizations in Singapore experienced a data breach caused by a third-party vendor in 2020. Regularly monitoring and auditing third-party service providers' data protection practices can mitigate the risks associated with outsourcing CRM services.
  9. Conduct Privacy Impact Assessments (PIAs)

    • PIAs play a crucial role in identifying and addressing potential privacy risks. According to the PDPC's annual report, there was a 62% increase in organizations conducting PIAs in 2020. Conducting regular PIAs enables companies to proactively identify and mitigate privacy risks associated with their CRM systems.
  10. Regularly Review and Update Policies

    • The data protection landscape is constantly evolving. According to a study by Trustwave, 48% of data breaches in Asia-Pacific were caused by vulnerabilities in outdated software. Regularly reviewing and updating internal policies, procedures, and privacy notices ensures that companies stay compliant with changing regulations and address emerging security threats.


Complying with PDPA and prioritizing data security and privacy within CRM systems is crucial for Singapore companies to build trust with their customers and avoid penalties. The statistics and data mentioned highlight the growing risks associated with data breaches and the need for robust data protection measures.You can consider starting from Flavor CRM's comprehensive suite of modules, businesses can maximize the benefits of CRM, improve efficiency, enhance customer experiences, and gain a competitive edge in the Singaporean market and start your journey towards total compliance with the PDPA. Contact us for a free demo.


Devansh Suri

General Manager
Devansh Suri with his expertise in IT and Marketing is able to come up with market viable solutions for clients who are looking for integrating CRM system into their businesses. He looks after all round system development, knowledge base creation and marketing of Flavor System.

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