

Receipts are generated when invoices are paid or partially paid. You can find the receipts in the Receipt Tab in the Payment module. The Super Admin, Subsidiary Admin, and Branch Manager has the authority to Delete the Receipts. Once the receipts are deleted, the status of the Invoice becomes unpaid.

Single Receipts

To Delete Single Receipts:

  1. Go to the Payment from the left side menu of the Flavor System.
  2. Click on Receipts Tab.
  3. Click on Actions (3 vertical dots) button of receipt row.
  4. Now, click on Delete Receipt.

Multiple Receipts

To delete multiple single receipts,

  1. Go to Payment from the left menu.
  2. Select the receipts you want to delete.
  3. Click on Actions (3 vertical dots) button on the top.
  4. Now, click on Delete Receipts.

Where to view the log of the deleted receipts(class)?

  1. Go to the Class Receipts listing page.
  2. On the top right hand side click on the Log icon button.
  3. This will navigate you to the Receipt Log listing page.
  4. Here, you will find all the entries for the deleted receipts.

Where to find the list of deleted receipts(Class)?

  1. Go to the Receipt Log listing page.
  2. On the top right hand side, click on the Archived Receipt icon.
  3. This will navigate you to the Archive Receipts listing page.
  4. Here, you will find the list of all the deleted Receipts.


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